KUNDALINI GOLD MonoAtomic Gold ELIXIR enhances energy flow, promoting spiritual emotional and physical well-being. Monoatomic gold is as small a particle as you can get, where suspended in liquid it stays effective as a superconductor, Small to enough to enter and heal inside your cells. NATURALLY enhancing and boosting your body mind and spirit.
KUNDALINI GOLD MonoAtomic Gold ELIXIR is Created using 99.99% pure medical grade gold at 30ppm with 99.99% pure Colloidal Silver and sacred mountain spring water, Energised, potentised and activated with the frequencies of the heart, love and gratitude.
Use up to 100mls/day
Dosage: 15-30mls 2x/day
Therapeutic Dosage: 50mls 2x/day
Can be used effectively as spray or drops
There are no side effects, as the body uses it efficiently and effectively
Gold has been valuable to humans since the dawn of civilisation, usually we think of it in terms of monetary value, power and prestige. But To the ancient world, it was valued because of its properties.
Today most of us have forgotten the value of gold, to our physical and spiritual health and well-being. The Alchemist of Egypt and the ancient world knew of its power, and now, so do the alchemists of today.
colloidal gold is not processed at the cellular level like the monoatomic gold. while colloidal gold is also suspended in water, the particles are too large for the body’s cells to process effectively.
Monoatomic Gold has incredible rejuvenating properties, as it restores collagen and the elasticity of your skin and blood vessels, it increases and balances your hormones, it enhances your mood, improves your cognitive function, your IQ, your psychic abilities and it raises your consciousness.
It is also used as a natural anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and bactericide.
It helps treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type II diabetes, addictions, blood pressure, Autism, ADHD, migraines, glandular problems, malfunctions of the nervous system, vision problems, aging and wrinkles, acne, joint and cartilage issues, relieving pain and so much more.
See the About page
1 x 220ml bottle